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USA Swimming是美國游泳運動的國家管理機構。其願景是激勵並幫助我們的會員在游泳運動和生活中取得優異成績。
USA Swimming is the National Governing Body - or NGB - for the sport of swimming in the United States. Its vision: To inspire and enable our members to achieve excellence in the sport of swimming and in life.

USA Swimming通過創造安全、健康的機會參與和推動游泳運動,促進游泳文化的發展。USA Swimming的任務是為包括奧運會在內的國際比賽選拔和訓練隊伍,其成員包括各個年齡段和各種能力的游泳運動員。運動員、教練員、官員和志願者的背景各不相同。
USA Swimming promotes the culture of swimming by creating safe and healthy opportunities to participate and advance in the sport. While tasked with selecting and training teams for international competition, including the Olympic Games, the membership has swimmers of every age and ability. There are athletes, coaches, officials, and volunteers of varied backgrounds involved.

USA Swimming將資源優先用於支持運動員、教練員和俱樂部,在國際水平上取得競爭性成功,讓公眾參與游泳,並成為公認的最佳國家游泳機構。董事會、全國委員會和代表院負責指導本組織實現這些優先事項。會員在推動整個組織的方向和活動方面發揮著至關重要的作用。董事會、委員會和代表大會代表會員做出符合運動員、教練員和志願者最佳利益的決策。
USA Swimming prioritizes resources to support athletes, coaches, and clubs, competitive success at the international level, public engagement with swimming, and recognition as a best-in-class NGB. Guiding the organization to meet these priorities are a Board of Directors, National Committees, and the House of Delegates. Membership's role in driving the direction and activities of the overall organization is critical. Members are represented by the board, committees and delegates to make decisions in the best interest of athletes, coaches, and volunteers.





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