When you are swimming up and down the pool, you are usually alone with your own thoughts, right? That is when I hope you are working on your swim technique instead of being off in la-la land. Coaches stand over your lane every once in a while, but for the most part, you are in charge of whether you are thinking about technique or what’s for dinner.
I have to drive home the point that technique is, by far, the most important aspect of swimming. There is no reason why we cannot apply the 80/ 20 rule here, and I am going to make the bold claim that technique is 80 percent of swimming when lined up next to strength, conditioning, or the size of a swimmer.
Conditioning and strength are very important in swimming, but they will not get you far without good technique. Ask the strongest football player you know to swim one length of the pool. If he has not learned technique, then he will look like a drowning rat in the water, and it is not because his muscles are weighing him down. It is the same with conditioning. You could ask a sub-2: 40 marathoners to swim, and if she does not know swim technique, then all the conditioning in the world will not help. This is one of the scenarios in which the vital elements are important because they are the foundation upon which the other elements rely. The technique takes the 80 percent prize because without it strength and conditioning mean nothing. That being said, once we have developed a solid technique, then the ratios change, and our physical training kicks in much more.
I see too many athletes allowing their strokes to fall apart when they tire at practice. Or, worse, I see people choosing to forgo technique altogether and thrash at the water in order to keep up with their lane mates. The only way you will benefit from reading this book is if you commit to making the vital elements of swim technique a priority.